Meeting tomorrow’s needs as we touch today's reality.
SXSSS hopes for:
- Child-centered education paradigms
- Creative learning methods
- Conducive learning environment
- Citizenship education
- Care of the environment
- Camps that are live-in experiences
- Catalyzing holistic development
- Catering to the educational needs of the drop-outs through National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
Ensuring healthy lives in an increasingly hazardous environment
SXSSS aspires to:
- Promote self-reliant Community Health Workers in their own communities
- Pursue curative means and referral services
- Paving the link with existing health care system.
- Prevent and promote health through awareness and health education.
- Participate in health care campaigns
- Push forward DOTS program for TB patients
- Procure sexual health awareness, focusing on STD and AIDS prevention
- Promote psycho-social care
Empowering a fragmented society as it awakens to a united stand.
SXSSS commits itself by :
- Enhancing capacity building
- Engaging individual and collective efforts to safeguard their rights as they confront dehumanizing forces
- Establishing a people’s organization that includes women self-help groups, peace committees, youth groups, CBOs, parents association
- Emphasising on women’s participation and leadership
- Educating through literacy and non-formal education that aims at generating awareness of their rights
- Encouraging responsible and participative leadership
- Endeavoring to link up with government programmes that benefit the community
- Ensuring a process that builds a community in mutual respect and unity
- Engendering change through a forum that deals with division and conflict in the community
For seeing a self-reliant community as we build people up
SXSSS labors towards :
- Organizing training programs for NGOS, CBOs
- Providing orientation workshops for School teachers on issues related to human rights education and peace building
- Imparting knowledge and skills for the educators working in the Nonformal sector
Responding to the cry of the environment in travail as we promise New hope.
SXSSS endevours to :
- Find creative ways of ecological awareness and environmental education
- Build network to arrest the Environment degradation
- Promote community solar kitchens
- Foster social forestation programmers to transform polluted industrial areas into green pockets, planting and nurturing tens and thousands of trees
Extending our services to remote rural communities in a spirit of sharing and encouraging joint action towards change
SXSSS works towards :
- Bringing together women of rural Gujarat, for a two year Community Health Workers training.
- Broading their outlook through knowledge and skills that enable them to handle basic health needs and facilitate referral services
- Believing in their capacity to be agents of change by upgrading their skills in communication, interpersonal relations and leadership
Remaining ever alert in times of natural and human made disasters and responding with a spirit of equity and justice.
SXSSS reaches out by :
- Activating organized and professional emergency response at the time of disasters such as cyclone, floods, droughts, earthquake, communal riots and carnage.
- Assuring mobilization of resources from far and near
- Aligning itself with government machinery, international resources supporter, corporate sectors, institutions and individuals for a collective intervention.
- Assembling humanitarian relief activities and long rehabilitation interventions.
- Coordinating and networking for policy formulation on disaster response
- Lobbing and advocating for the rightful compensation and mitigation
Providing a resources that complements the multi-facetted task of Advocacy
SXSS strives to :
- Direct its efforts towards facilitating advocacy and networking
- Develop an unrelenting pursuit of knowledge and truth
- Document daily news items thematically
- Disseminate information, meticulously gathered and processed
- Deliver extensive resource material preserved in its library with book, slides, video-cassettes, CDs, posters and charts on development, health, human rights and other relevant themes.
- Develop the data base by procuring 16 Gujarati and English newspapers, 750 magazines, journls, international reports and newsletters related to development and human rights
An initiative for justice, peace and communal harmony in an atmosphere of discrimination and conflict.
SXSSS adheres to :
- Journeying with people in the resolution of their conflicts and peace building
- Undertaking peace initiatives towards reconciliation and healing between conflicting groups and communities
- Dispelling prejudice, stereotypes and hatred while promoting a culture of peace
- Inculcating positive values, attitudes and orientation
- Reinforcing means that value, acknowledge and accept diversity
- Nurturing processes that enable people to respect different perspectives
- Strengthening relationships between people of diverse backgrounds
- Celebrating cultural and social diversity
- Developing strategies and infrastructures to build leadership that cultivates peace
- Evolving relevant education programmes and materials for peace building
- Encouraging and promoting interfaith dialogue
- Creating gender perspectives towards dialogue
- Lobbying for sustainable peace and justice
- Collaborating with peace initiatives at local, regional national and international levels
- Facilitating a deeper reflection and understanding of conflict
- Advocacy and Networking at various levels on issues related to Human Rights
- Facilitating and supporting for a for an ongoing watchdog function such as Movement for secular Democracy, NGO forum for
- child Rights, Citizen's Initiative, Gujarat Social Forum..
- Accredited and linked to several international networks/bodies
- Partnering closely with national for a
- Operating jointly with state level initiatives and network